Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 Random things

I don't know why it took me 30+ years to realize it, but "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and the "ABC" song have the same melody. I didn't know that. I was singing them to Audrey back-to-back, and the light went off in my head. I guess that's just something you never really realize until you sit down and think about it. Or, maybe everyone else in the world already did realize that, and I'm just slow when it comes to "Melodies of Famous Children's Songs".

Second, I just got a Friend Request on Facebook from my wife's grandmother. I knew Facebook was getting ready to "jump the shark", but i think this officially confirmed it for me. I don't know exactly what the new internetty-social friending-network thing is called nowadays, but I'm just dang sure that there's something newer and cooler out there now that middle school kids are connecting with. And I'm sure I'll find out about it just about the time it gets stale, and then my wife's grandmother will find out about it shortly after.

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