Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day!

A couple of random thoughts...

My wife Brandi was slightly perturbed at me on Valentine's Day. Nothing major, but while we were getting ready to go to our church's Valentine's Day Banquet, I flipped on the TV and started watching "The Godfather". Evidently, she didn't think that "The Godfather" was an appropriate movie to set the mood for romance. Whatever. If it wasn't supposed to be watched on Valentine's Day, then why would the TV have it showing? Come on, Brandi, when has television ever been wrong?

Second, I have a couple pair of jeans that have been "in the rotation" for a few years now, and they are beginning to show a few signs of age. They aren't getting ratty or anything, they just look like jeans someone bought in 2005 instead of 2009. So now I'm faced with the ongoing battle of cheapness versus attempted coolness, and it appears that 31 is the age (for me at least) that cheapness finally defeats coolness once and for all. I am fully aware that a pair or two of my jeans are not awesomely fashionable anymore, but I'm now more cheap than I am concerned about being cool. I would have guessed that this would have been later for me -- 34, maybe 35 -- but who knew? Coolness, you put up a good fight, but in the end, cheap was too powerful.

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