Friday, February 20, 2009

"Like Father, Like Son".... "13 going on 30"....

Birthday time!

I’m turning 31, which really isn’t that big of a deal, until you starting thinking, “hey, I’m closer to 40 than I am to 20.” I’m closer to middle age than I am to my (not so) cool, hip college years. Yikes. When I was 16, I thought 20 was really old. And then I got to be 20, and I said no, 30 is really old. But now that I’m 31, I don’t know where the “old” line is drawn, but I think I’m close. I guess what defines to me that I’m old is this:

Anytime you see a movie where -- through a mysterious science experiment going wrong -- two people’s brains are transposed into each other bodies, there is usually one “younger” person and one “older person”. I am now at the point in life where I would no longer ever be the “younger” body person. I would always be the “older” body person. No one would pay 12 bucks to see my brain in a 50 year old body, but they might pony up the cash to see a movie where my brain is switched with a 15-year old….well, if it had a good supporting cast, I mean.

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