Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Once again, I prove myself to be a lame-o

I know my “cool-ness” is dwindling away. I can’t pass for twenty-something anymore. I’m definitely thirty-something now. Dang it.

I was walking through Circuit City the other day with a buddy of mine, and I didn’t know who a number of the “Hot New Artists” were that were featured in their “New CD” section. Strike one.

I don’t even shop at the cool mall stores much anymore. Most of my crummy clothes come from Target. I think I would feel ridiculous if I walked into an Abercrombie and Fitch. And what’s worse, I don’t even know if Abercrombie and Fitch is still cool. Strike two.

But the worst is that the other day, I was flipping through the channels on TV and some song came on I really liked, and I thought to myself, “Awesome. It’s good to know that I still like the stuff on MTV,” and then a few seconds later, I realized I was tuned into VH1. Strike Three.

1 comment:

ellison family said...

I'm going to take back those 2 shirts that I just bought at target last night.