Monday, October 13, 2008

Red Dragon

I have a decent job. In truth, it’s a pretty good job. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with a great opportunity at a growing company, and have found myself in a position that I actually manage a handful of other employees. Regrettably, my cheapness and casual fondness for Dave Ramsey may be compromising my authority.

Here’s the dilemma: all of my underlings – er, employees – have much nicer vehicles than mine. I drive a stinkin’ 2001 Ford Escort with no air conditioning. Good ol' Red Dragon, as I like to call it. Dave (Ramsey) is forcing me to not buy something nicer, which in theory is all well and good, but it doesn’t help me at work when my employees are snickering at me when I come in to the office all hot and sweaty. No good at all. I just have this feeling that one day, I’ll have a conversation like this:

Me: “Hey Greg, I need you to complete this special project for me. As your superior, I have the authority and responsibility to make sure you complete this task.”
Greg: “Um, sorry Ryan. Can’t do. Your car sucks, and I’ve lost all respect for you.”
Me: “Um, okay.”

Darn you, Dave Ramsey.

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